Soil fissures and soil fillings can have deformations and cracks on the surface due to climatic impact such as rain or wind. In time such impact accumulates, threatening slope stability in the long run. In such cases geosynthetic materials such as eronet, geogrid or geomat would be the best and most economical solution to the problem.
Especially in riverbed improvements, trapezoid geomat material to be used to protect the slopes from eroding effects of the flowrate provides stability by integrating with plant roots.
In bundled retaining structures where planting is required, geomat material is the best solution.
Especially in riverbed improvements, trapezoid geomat material to be used to protect the slopes from eroding effects of the flowrate provides stability by integrating with plant roots.
In bundled retaining structures where planting is required, geomat material is the best solution.

When the problem is flood water in rivers and channels, the solution can be provided by TeleBags®, TeleTubes® or FlexiTex®. In case of an emergency, secure the surroundings by using interlocked TeleTube® which can be easily filled with sand slurry or simply use TeleBags®.
FlexiTex® can be installed at the toe of a bridge’s piles to fight against water erosion and the possible collapse of the bridge. If a flood barrier is required, it can be built out of TeleTube®, covered with FlexiTex® and FlexiGrow®. The construction can later be covered with natural vegetation. Eroded riverbanks and channels can be repaired by using FlexiTex which will withstand the next flood.
FlexiTex® can be installed at the toe of a bridge’s piles to fight against water erosion and the possible collapse of the bridge. If a flood barrier is required, it can be built out of TeleTube®, covered with FlexiTex® and FlexiGrow®. The construction can later be covered with natural vegetation. Eroded riverbanks and channels can be repaired by using FlexiTex which will withstand the next flood.

Shore Erosion
In cases of water flood in rivers or canals, solution is provided with TeleBags ® , TeleTubes ® or FlexiTex ®. In emergencies area can be secured by using TeleTube®, which can be easily filled with sand and nested or only TeleBags® can be used. FlexiTex ® can be installed at the bottom of abuttals to prevent water erosion and to prevent eventual collapse of the bridge.
In cases where a levee is required for flood, it can be built using FlexiTex ® and FlexiGrow ® covered TeleTube®. Construction can be later covered with natural plants.
Eroded river banks and canals can be repaired using FlexiTex that can withstand the next flood. The aim of the support is to handle lateral soil and connect possible fault extrusions to the front of the possible final fault plane.
In cases where a levee is required for flood, it can be built using FlexiTex ® and FlexiGrow ® covered TeleTube®. Construction can be later covered with natural plants.
Eroded river banks and canals can be repaired using FlexiTex that can withstand the next flood. The aim of the support is to handle lateral soil and connect possible fault extrusions to the front of the possible final fault plane.

Slope Erosion
Slope erosion has four reasons: amount and speed of rain, incline o the slope, amount and composition of the vegetation and rock and soil beds under the surface.
When it rains, it is generally absorbed to the holes in the soil. However, when these are filled with rainwater it eithers stays stationary on the surface or flows down. As water flows down, it carries soil and other materials on the soil. This is the beginning of erosion. For such problems, Teletextiles provide:
• TeleGrid ® to support the slope
• TeleNet ® to hold fine grains.
• EroNet ® to reinforce plants. The less leaf and plant cover on the surface the more it is susceptible to flowing water.
When it rains, it is generally absorbed to the holes in the soil. However, when these are filled with rainwater it eithers stays stationary on the surface or flows down. As water flows down, it carries soil and other materials on the soil. This is the beginning of erosion. For such problems, Teletextiles provide:
• TeleGrid ® to support the slope
• TeleNet ® to hold fine grains.
• EroNet ® to reinforce plants. The less leaf and plant cover on the surface the more it is susceptible to flowing water.